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13 Facts About the Quran You Should Know

The Quran, the holy scripture of Islam, holds profound significance for millions of people around the globe. It serves not only as a religious text but also as a source of guidance, law, and inspiration for Muslims worldwide. Here are 13 essential facts about the Quran that shed light on its importance, history, and influence:

1. Divine Revelation: The Quran is the the literal word of God (Allah) as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) over a period of approximately 23 years, beginning in 610 CE. The revelation occurred through the angel Gabriel in the Arabic language.

2. Unchanged Text: One of the most remarkable aspects of the Quran is its preservation. It remains unchanged since its revelation which makes it unique among religious texts. The Quran has been transmitted orally and in writing with meticulous care to ensure accuracy.

3. Central Religious Text: The Quran is the primary source of Islamic law (Sharia) and theology. It addresses various aspects of life, including morality, worship, social justice, and personal conduct, providing guidance for Muslims in every sphere of life.

4. Organization: The Quran is divided into 114 chapters called surahs, which vary in length and content. These surahs are further divided into verses known as ayahs. Each surah addresses specific themes and topics, ranging from faith and worship to societal issues and historical events.

5. Miraculous Language: The Quran is renowned for its eloquence, linguistic beauty, and literary excellence in the Arabic language. Its rhythmic prose and powerful imagery have captivated readers for centuries and inspires countless poets, scholars, and artists.

6. Memorization: Memorization of the Quran, known as Hifz, is a cherished tradition among Muslims. Many children begin memorizing the Quran at a young age, committing the entire text to memory. This practice ensures the preservation of the Quran and instills a deep connection with its teachings.

7. Recitation: Reciting the Quran holds immense spiritual significance in Islam. The act of recitation brings blessings and spiritual purification. The melodious recitation of the Quran, known as Tajweed, emphasizes proper pronunciation, rhythm, and intonation.

8. Universal Message: While the Quran was revealed in Arabia over 1,400 years ago, its message is considered universal and timeless. It addresses all of humanity, emphasizing the importance of justice, compassion, humility, and righteousness.

9. Scientific References: Certain verses of the Quran contains references to scientific phenomena that were unknown at the time of its revelation. These include descriptions of embryology, the water cycle, and the expansion of the universe. While interpretations vary, these references are often cited as evidence of the Quran’s divine origin.

10. Translations: The Quran has been translated into numerous languages and allows people of diverse backgrounds to access its teachings. However, translations are not considered equivalent to the original Arabic text, as the richness and subtlety of the Quranic language can be challenging to capture fully in translation.

11. Legal and Ethical Guidance: The Quran provides the foundation for Islamic law (Sharia), which encompasses both legal rulings (Fiqh) and ethical principles. It addresses issues such as family law, criminal justice, commerce, and governance, offering guidance on how Muslims should conduct themselves individually and collectively.

12. Literary Influence: The Quran’s influence extends beyond religious and spiritual realms into literature, art, and culture. Its poetic style and profound themes have inspired countless poets, writers, and thinkers throughout history, shaping the literary traditions of diverse cultures and civilizations.

13. Role in Worship: Recitation of the Quran is an integral part of Islamic worship and rituals. Muslims recite verses from the Quran during daily prayers (Salah), Friday sermons (Khutbah), and special occasions such as Ramadan, the month of fasting. The Quranic verses also feature prominently in religious ceremonies, celebrations, and commemorations.


Increase your understanding of the Quran

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Hafiz Ikram Ullah

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